South America

Brazil not dumping wood mouldings in US

On December 29, the Department of Commerce announced its final antidumping duty (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) determinations on wood [...]

EU tropical timber trade faces recession

Total EU27 (i.e. excluding the UK) import value of tropical wood and wood furniture products was US$2.48 [...]

Brazilian wood pellet exports hit record in 2020

Brazilian wood pellet exports hit new highs in 2020, as deliveries to the UK nearly trippled and the number of [...]

Indian log and lumber import market uncertain

Sentiment from log buyers in Kandla is turning negative, with reports of four vessels to load from Uruguay, one from [...]

Global lumber markets benefit from rising prices

Lumber prices have increased worldwide in the second half of 2020 with US prices almost doubling  Lumber Markets [...]

China-Europe container rates continue to skyrocket; price pressure in wood industry

The China-Europe container crisis has escalated over the past week, with container prices reaching new highs, while the container [...]

Current export prices for Brazilian tropical logs, sawnwood and plywood

In October 2020, the value of Brazilian exports of wood-based products (except pulp and paper) increased 32% compared to [...]

Brazil: Exports of most wood products rising

    At the beginning of the pandemic there were forecasts of reductions in domestic demand and exports [...]

EU tropical timber imports stronger than expected

Total EU27 (i.e. excluding the UK) import value of tropical wood and wood furniture products was US$1.98 [...]