South America

EU’s plywood imports rebound strongly since September last year

Latest analysis of Eurostat figures underlines the recent volatile conditions in the EU and UK plywood trade. Total EU+UK [...]

Sharp increase in plywood prices in Europe

In terms of source of plywood supply in Europe, China is reported to be keeping up with demand, albeit with [...]

Brazil’s roundwood exports hit record high

    Brazil has never exported so much roundwood as in April and May 2021, according to the [...]

Global wood raw material supply is expected to tighten with through 2021

By the last quarter of 2020, timber demand was becoming excessive and record levels continued through Q1, 2021.    [...]

EU tropical wood product imports close to decade high

EU27 tropical wood product imports close to decade high in March EU27 import value of tropical wood and wood furniture [...]

Uruguay: Timber exports and prices hit record high due to strong Chinese demand

    Benefiting from the recovery of the global economy, apart from the United States who has been [...]

International wood markets under a volatile period

Over the last six months we have witnessed one of the most volatile periods in forest product markets we've [...]

Global sawlog prices rising on an upward trend

Global sawlog prices are on an upward trend as lumber consumption has surged in many parts of the world.  [...]