Pulpwood prices falling around the world
Wood fiber costs fell for many hardwood pulp-producing countries worldwide in the first quarter of 2020. The biggest declines [...]
July 9, 2020
Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Wood Industry Prices / Forestry / Industry Prices / Pulp & Paper / Asia & Middle East / Australia and Pacific Region / China / Europe / North America / Russia
40% of Chinese factories in Gabon have ceased production
It is estimated that about 40% of Gabon’s Chinese factories have ceased production. In some cases, the plywood plants [...]
July 2, 2020
Companies in the timber industry / Latest Trends / ...Market Analysis / Sawmilling / Africa / China
Is China going to ban imports of Canadian timber?
On June 16, China announced that pests were found in logs imported from Canada. This news triggered concerns in the [...]
July 2, 2020
Companies in the timber industry / Latest Trends / ...Market Analysis / Forestry / Sawmilling / China / North America
Coronavirus pandemic to limit price recovery in the global forest products industry, says Moody’s
The coronavirus pandemic is pressuring global demand and the oversupply across many regions will either limit price recovery or drive [...]
June 30, 2020
Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Wood Industry Prices / Forestry / Industry Prices / Pulp & Paper / Sawmilling / Wood Construction / Wood Energy / Wood Furniture / Wood-based Panels / Africa / Asia & Middle East / Australia and Pacific Region / China / Europe / North America / Russia / South America
South American log supply to China restarts
According to Timber Industry News sources, the supply of logs in South America to China has recently restarted.   [...]
June 28, 2020
Latest Trends / Forestry / ...Sawmilling / China / South America
European spruce supply to China disrupted by container shortage
China will receive more and more spruce from European forests, which are currently destroyed by storms [...]
June 28, 2020
Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Forestry / Sawmilling / China / Europe
Global lumber producers more profitable in early 2020
The US South and British Columbia have historically been the lowest-cost lumber-producing regions of [...]
June 19, 2020
Companies in the timber industry / Latest Trends / ...Market Analysis / Forestry / Sawmilling / Africa / Asia & Middle East / Australia and Pacific Region / China / Europe / North America / Russia / South America
Significant recovery in China’s softwood lumber imports in April
After Chinese imports of softwood lumber experienced a though first quarter, a significant recovery was noticed at the beginning of [...]
June 18, 2020
Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Forestry / Sawmilling / China
Where is the Chinese timber market heading in the post-pandemic era?
As the world is gradually entering the post-coronavirus period, there is one main question that haunts the global wood [...]
June 17, 2020
Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Forestry / Sawmilling / Wood Furniture / Wood-based Panels / China
Forecast: Chinese lumber imports from the Nordic countries to exceed those from Canada
In early 2020, due to oversupply, the declining prices made European lumber producers more globally competitive [...]
June 17, 2020
Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Forestry / Sawmilling / China / Europe / North America