Swedish sawmills face price pressure and falling demand
Since the beginning of the year, things have been looking a bit brighter for Swedish sawmills that have been able [...]
June 14, 2023
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Resolute temporarily closes four sawmills due to wildfires
Resolute Forest Products has temporarily shut four Quebec sawmills due to nearby fires and a related log shortage, Resolute Vice [...]
June 14, 2023
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Western Forest Products to curtail production in BC due to weak market
Western Forest Products announced plans to temporarily reduce its lumber production over the next month by approximately 19 million board [...]
June 14, 2023
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AI and IoT could be future game changers for the forestry industry
Open sharing of information about forests is of great importance in order to protect the climate and preserve biodiversity. Currently [...]
June 13, 2023
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Canadian wildfires trigger concerns of lumber price surge and supply shortage
Lumber futures have increased to a 7-week high of $513 per thousand feet mark, due to massive wildfires in [...]
June 13, 2023
China: Fall in CIF prices for softwood lumber imports
According to Chinese customs statistics, total lumber imports in the first quarter of 2023 amounted to 6.522 million cubic [...]
June 13, 2023
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Conflict timber alert in the UK originating from Russia and Belarus
The issue of illegal imports of conflict timber from Russia and Belarus has prompted the timber industries association of the [...]
June 13, 2023
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War in Ukraine causing lingering effects in Nordic wood markets
The most significant change in trade flow in Europe over the past few years has been the dramatic decline in [...]
June 8, 2023
Latest Trends
Finnish sawmills face sluggish demand, decreased exports, and falling prices this year
The demand for Finland's forest industry products on the world market will remain sluggish this year, which can be [...]
June 8, 2023
Latest Trends
Western companies are moving away production from China
Companies from the West are increasingly focusing on diversifying their manufacturing operations away from China, adopting a strategy known as [...]
June 8, 2023
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