Archives: June 2022
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Brazil expands plywood exports to EU as falling supplies to US

    In May, Brazil reduced plywood exports to the U.S. by 38% year-on-year to [...]

Europe’s sawn hardwood production at highest level since 2008

Production of sawn hardwood in Europe was significantly impacted by the coronavirus crisis in 2020 with a strong decline particularly [...]

Fuel prices forcing shutdowns, threaten entire US timber supply chain

    Skyrocketing, record-breaking diesel fuel prices are forcing some logging and trucking operations to shut down [...]

Russian timber industry is looking for ways to export through Belarus and Turkey

Russian lumber companies, forced to halt exports to the EU due to sanctions, doubled supplies to China and Kazakhstan in [...]

Significant progress in the European parquet market; outlook uncertain

    The European parquet market progressed significantly in 2021 and reached level not seen since 10 years [...]

German woodworking machinery industry with record level of demand

The gap between global demand and the production of woodworking machinery is widening.    In the first [...]

UPM is also positively revising its earnings outlook for the current year

Stora Enso recently reported that it had improved its expectations for the full-year operating result . Now UPM has also [...]

N. American lumber prices sink further as homebuyers lose affordability

     North American lumber prices are spiraling as red-hot house prices and the rising cost of [...]

Decreasing US softwood lumber imports as shipments from Canada fall

From January to April, US import volumes fell by nearly 7% or 860,000 m³. This is the result of [...]

Stora Enso has full order books; result for 2022 is expected to be better than last year

    Development in the company's main markets has remained strong.    Stora Enso [...]