Archives: October 2020
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IKEA loses 1.5 billion euros due to coronavirus crisis

     IKEA announced retail sales of 35.2 billion euros in the financial year to September. That [...]

European construction sector recovers from Covid-19 pandemic

The European construction sector was severely affected by the pandemic in April but recovered strongly in most countries in the [...]

Sawmills in Sweden defy coronavirus crisis

Current situation of the Swedish forest industry     Swedish demand for sawn wood products has decreased by [...]

Homag to create a new business segment

The Homag  Group intensifies its activities in the new market segment Construction Elements Solutions by acquiring 80% of the shares [...]

Market slowdown in Finland caused reduced timber prices

   Slowdown in the timber market reduced timber prices in Finland   Ongoing quiet year will turn into [...]

Global hardwood, softwood prices fell in Q2/2020

Wood raw-material costs fell for most pulp manufacturers throughout the world in the 2Q/20, reducing fiber price indices [...]

Finland: Sawmills struggle to pay for raw materials due to low export prices of lumber

Almost 500 million cubic meters of lumber were produced worldwide last year, of which almost three quarters were coniferous lumber [...]

Lumber prices high across BC as mills struggle to meet demand

Increased demand and a lack of supply have sent lumber prices soaring across British Columbia, while lumber mills work at [...]