Archives: September 2020

Sweden: Decline in roundwood prices continues in Q2/2020

The second quarter of 2020 shows dropping sawlog prices in Sweden on a yearly basis. Pine sawlogs are cheaper by [...]

Siempelkamp to install new forming and press line at Kastamonu’s Samsun plant

    Kastamonu Entegre and Siempelkamp announce assembly work on the new forming and press line with the [...]

SCA to boost pulp production, discontinues publication paper

    SCA intends to invest SEK 1.45 billion ( EUR 140.7 million) in the production of [...]

Closure of UPM’s paper mill shifts focus on condition of Finland’s forestry sector

The operating conditions of the forest industry in Finland came into focus on Thursday as Finnish forestry giant UPM elaborated [...]

N. Zealand: Rising shipping costs impact prices of logs exported to China

    Domestic demand for logs and sawn timber in New Zealand remains strong while the longer-term [...]

WTO decision on softwood lumber cheered by Canada, rejected in US

The United States inappropriately applied countervailing duties on Canadian softwood lumber, according to a World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute settlement [...]

N. American sawmills can’t meet current house construction demand

North American forest products manufacturers should put on their seat belts, as the latest housing market data indicates no stop [...]

Russia: Exports of wood pellets hit record high in H1/2020

    Russian wood pellet exports reached a record high in the first half of this year, bolstered [...]
September 4, 2020 Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Wood Energy / Russia

Wood pellet prices fall in Germany

The pellet price in Germany remained stable at summer level in August, however it is considerably lower as compared to [...]