Archives: February 2020

Challenging times for European sawmills

The fourth quarter was disappointing many European sawmills, but a more balanced market can be expected. The market for sawn [...]
February 27, 2020 Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Forestry / Sawmilling / Europe

U.S. wood pellet exports reach almost 7 million tons in 2019

    U.S. exported 541,893.4 metric tons of wood pellets in December, bringing total pellet [...]
February 27, 2020 Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Wood Energy / Europe

China halves tariffs on US wood products

China announced Thursday that it will cut existing tariffs on $75 billion worth of U.S. goods in half as [...]

Södra’s harvesting operations impacted by mild weather

Mild weather during the autumn and winter period has impacted harvesting operations in some parts of Södra’s forestry [...]

BC forest sector’s problems not solved by reduced lumber duties

    News the U.S. government plans to reduce duties on Canadian softwood lumber is good for [...]

France to require 50% timber in all new public buildings

    As part of the French governments push for sustainable urban development all new public buildings financed [...]

Latest roundwood price developments in Russia

     At an average of 2,488 RUB/m3 (36,09 EUR/m3) in December 2019, softwood [...]

Coronavirus likely to disrupt the U.S. furniture industry

U.S. business groups and furniture importers expect the spread of a new virus that originated in China to disrupt [...]

Brexit becomes a problem for the German furniture industry

Brexit is becoming an increasing problem for the German furniture industry.    "Already since 2016 our furniture [...]
February 26, 2020 Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Europe

Europe becoming China’s second softwood lumber supplier, surpassing Canada

   Europe is now the second softwood lumber supplier to China; with a 60% yoy increase in deliveries.  [...]