Archives: January 2020

Austrian parquet manufacturers accused of importing illegal timber from Ukraine

    Recently, WWF Austria accused four Austrian parquet manufacturers of importing illegally harvested timber from the Ukraine [...]

2020 global wood pellet market forecast

The biomass market faces unprecedented demand levels in 2020, with upcoming base-load power generation capacity due to add around [...]

Chinese log market seriously impacted by the European bark beetle crisis

    The price for an A grade log in the China log market has remained around USD [...]

Rising pellet prices in Germany

The price of wood pellets in Germany increased by 1.3% as compared to the previous month. The current nationwide [...]

Biesse Group to refocus its strategy in China

The Biesse Board of Directors meeting - held on December 20th in the corporate offices in Pesaro - analyzed the Chinese demand [...]

2020 trends in the global lumber market

    In North America at least, 2019 will be remembered as the hangover from the 2018 first [...]

Vietnam suspends some plywood exports to the U.S.

    Vietnamese Ministry of Industry and Trade announced it would suspend some plywood exports to the U [...]

Drop in U.S. softwood lumber production for Jan.-Oct. 2019

U.S. sawmills produced 29.909 billion board ft. (bbf) of softwood lumber in the first 10 months of 2019 [...]

Europe is now the second largest supplier of softwood logs to China

- China is increasing importation of logs from New Zealand and Europe, while diminishing imports from North America and Russia  [...]

Egger posts 3.4% turnover growth in the first half of its financial year

    The Egger Group, has completed the first half of its financial year 2019/2020 with a [...]