Archives: October 2019
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13 BC sawmill closures forecast for the next decade

    This year’s series of B.C. mill closures and production curtailments have affected more than [...]

West Fraser reports drop in lumber production

    West Fraser Timber Co. Ltd. has reported its third quarter 2019 results:     [...]

Swedish roundwood prices hit by the bark beetle infestation

    Both sawlog and pulpwood prices in Sweden decreased during the 3Q 2019 for the first time [...]

Analysis of the current trends in the Russian roundwood market

Russia has the largest forest area in the world. In fact, Russia's forest land accounts for about one-fifth [...]

Norbord to curtail one OSB production line in Georgia, US

Norbord Inc. announced that effective mid-November, it will indefinitely curtail production on Line 1 of its two-line oriented [...]

Estonia: Fall in spruce sawlog prices in September

    All sawlog assortments have become cheaper in Estonia in September 2019. The bark beetle crisis has [...]

Granuul Invest completes acquisition of former German Pellets assets in Texas

Acquisition of the Texas Pellets pellet manufacturing plant offers a possibility to increase the group´s production capacity up to [...]

ISC 2019: Bark beetle crisis in the European lumber market expected to continue for years

    Disruption in European lumber market caused by log glut from bark beetle infestation is expected to [...]

Sharp fall in Brazilian hardwood products in the past decade

    Results of ABIMCI forestry sector study announced The Brazilian Association of Mechanically-Processed Timber Industry (ABIMCI [...]