Current state of the Canadian wood pellet industry
The Canadian wood pellet industry is export-oriented with high production capacity and exports far exceeding domestic demand. Overseas demand [...]
August 19, 2019
Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Wood Energy / Europe / North America
Czechia boosts exports of beetle wood to China
Logs exported from the Czech Republic to China have increased significantly this year, as a result of a record harvesting [...]
August 19, 2019
Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Forestry / Sawmilling / China / Europe
Wood pellet production hits new record in Germany
Due to increasing wood stocks in the German forests, the production of wood pellets has been steadily increasing for years [...]
August 19, 2019
Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Wood Energy / Europe
Boom in Finland’s softwood lumber exports to Egypt; exports to China collapse
Finnish softwood lumber exports to the world increased by 5% in the first five months of 2019. The softwood lumber [...]
August 13, 2019
Companies in the timber industry / Latest Trends / ...Market Analysis / Sawmilling / Africa / China / Europe
China: Price overview for wood-based panels in July
At present, the market trend of plywood in China is relatively bleak, and there are very [...]
August 13, 2019
Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Wood Industry Prices / Wood-based Panels / China
Russia might stop duties of exports of birch logs
Recently, the Russian Federal Government's Committee on Foreign Trade and Tariff Policy Protection Measures has [...]
August 13, 2019
Latest Trends / Forestry / ...Sawmilling / Russia
Lower prices in Asia cause sharp drop in Metsa Group’s revenues
The profit of the major Finnish forest industry company Metsa Group worsened remarkably in April-July, as prices in China [...]
August 13, 2019
Companies in the timber industry / Latest Trends / ...Market Analysis / Forestry / Industry Prices / Pulp & Paper / Sawmilling / Europe
BC’s Sinclar Group to curtail lumber production
In another hit to the B.C. forest industry, the Sinclar Group announced temporary production curtailments at lumber operations in [...]
August 13, 2019
Companies in the timber industry / Latest Trends / ...Forestry / Sawmilling / North America
European hardwood industry still strong despite slow construction sector
According to latest Eurostat figures, building construction contracted by 0.2% in May over April 2019, while civil engineering output [...]
August 13, 2019
Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Forestry / Sawmilling / Wood Construction / Europe
Stormwood from the Italian Alps sold to China
Between 27 and 29 October 2018, the Vaia storm destroyed 41,491 hectares of woods in [...]
August 8, 2019
Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Forestry / Europe