Archives: 2018

Segezha Group launches new plywood production line in Russia

    Vyatsky Plywood Mill (subsidiary of Segezha Group) launched a new premium birch plywood production. According to [...]

Latest prices for Indian teak, sawnwood and plywood

    Demand for Indian imported logs continues unchanged but imports are still affected by the withdrawal of [...]

Lumber companies in Canada lost millions of dollars due to US tariffs

U.S. duties introduced on softwood lumber imports from Canada determined a lot of financial difficulties to Canadian lumber companies [...]

Södra’s Q2/2018 results reach best results in the company’s history

Södra reported sustained strong operating profit of SEK 1,318 million (Q2/2017: SEK 461 million) for the second [...]

Ukraine forests destroyed by European sawmills, new report reveals

An investigation released by Earthsight revealed results of the organization’s two years work called Complicit in Corruption. According to [...]

Higher foreign demand to push Africa logs & sawnwood prices

Producers in West and Central Africa report that demand is very firm and while prices are stable, sentiment is for [...]

Netherlands boosts imports of wood products

    In the Netherlands, economic growth is at its highest point since 2008, consumer confidence is high [...]

New US tariffs on Chinese wood products include wood flooring

Wood flooring is included in a new list of 10 percent tariffs proposed for Chinese products by the Trump administration [...]

Rex Lumber starts construction of its sawmill in Alabama

Rex Lumber, headquartered in Graceville, Florida has initiated construction on it's greenfield sawmill in Troy, Alabama on Tuesday, July [...]

Latest trends of China’s timber market

1. China’s first high-rise wood framework building  A ceremony was held recently to launch the China [...]
July 18, 2018 Latest Trends / Forestry / ...Sawmilling / China