China: Redwood imports on the rise
The average growth in the value of retail sales of commodities in 2017 was 8.2% but sales of furniture [...]
August 30, 2018
Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Forestry / Wood Furniture / Africa / China
Booming exports of Russian wood pellets
The Russian Customs Service reports exports of wood pellets from Russia in CY2017, at 1.44 MMT, or more than [...]
August 30, 2018
Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Wood Energy / Europe
Chinese wood-based panel industry faces huge challenges
China’s production of wood products, especially wood-based panels, has increased rapidly in recent years.   [...]
August 23, 2018
Latest Trends / Wood-based Panels / ...China
Major structural change is underway in the African timber industry
A major structural change is underway in the African timber industry as operations are reoriented away from the European market [...]
August 23, 2018
Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Forestry / Sawmilling / Africa
US softwood lumber prices pick up in mid-August
Framing lumber trading in US hit its fastest stride in more than two months, and the market finished the week [...]
August 23, 2018
Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Wood Industry Prices / Industry Prices / Sawmilling / Wood-based Panels / North America
European and North American sawmills registered record profits in H1/2018
Sawlog costs, the largest cost component when manufacturing lumber, have gone up much more slowly than lumber prices in many [...]
August 23, 2018
Companies in the timber industry / Latest Trends / ...Market Analysis / Wood Industry Prices / Forestry / Industry Prices / Sawmilling
Latvia: Plywood prices dropped sharply this year
A total of 72,900 m³ of plywood was exported from Latvia in the first quarter, a decrease of 24 [...]
August 23, 2018
Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Wood-based Panels / Europe
Rising roundwood prices in Finland
Roundwood prices in Finland have mostly increased in May, both as compared to April as well as compared to the [...]
August 23, 2018
Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Wood Industry Prices / Industry Prices / Pulp & Paper / Sawmilling / Europe
Booming exports of Belarus softwood lumber to Europe
The European countries softwood lumber imports from Belarus have went up during January - September 2017 by 51%, to a total [...]
August 22, 2018
Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Sawmilling / Europe
Top wood pellets producers in Russia
Analysts estimate that currently 10 large wood pellet producers manufacture more than 60 percent of total Russian wood pellet production [...]
August 21, 2018
Companies in the timber industry / Latest Trends / ...Market Analysis / Wood Energy / Russia