Future demands for wood products in Japan
Japan's Forestry Agency has recently organized a meeting regarding the future of the wood demand [...]
June 6, 2018
Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Forestry / Sawmilling / Asia & Middle East
Estonia: Roundwood prices reach record-highs in March
Prices for roundwood in Estonia increased significantly in March 2018, as compared to the same month of 2017.   [...]
June 6, 2018
Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Wood Industry Prices / Forestry / Industry Prices / Pulp & Paper / Sawmilling / Europe
Chinese imports of US hardwood reach record levels in Q1/2018
Amidst the trade dispute between China and the US, the hardwood exports to Sea and Greater China rallied [...]
June 6, 2018
Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Forestry / Sawmilling / China / North America
US lumber prices pushed higher in June though at a lower pace than in May
The framing lumber market in the US was slow during last week, as to shake off [...]
June 6, 2018
Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Wood Industry Prices / Forestry / Industry Prices / Sawmilling / Wood-based Panels / North America
EU imports of tropical sawnwood went down during Q1/2018
EU imports of tropical sawn wood decreased 6% to 166,100 MT in the first quarter of 2018. This was [...]
June 6, 2018
Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Forestry / Sawmilling / Africa / Asia & Middle East / Europe / South America
New map reveals last primary forests in Europe
Scientists at the Geography Department of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU) have compiled the first map of the [...]
June 6, 2018
Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Forestry / Europe
Furniture exports from Germany to the US, Canada and China on the rise in Q1/2018
The furniture exports from Germany increased by 1%, to approximately EUR 2.7 billion during the first quarter of 2018 [...]
June 6, 2018
Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Wood Furniture / Europe
China increases tropical logs & sawnwood imports
China’s log imports from the USA in the first three months of 2018 totalled 1.41 million cubic metres [...]
June 6, 2018
Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Forestry / Sawmilling / Africa / Asia & Middle East / China / South America
Expectations are running high for this year’s International Woodworking Fair 2018
Expectations are running high for this year’s International Woodworking Fair, which will feature over 1 million sq. ft. of [...]
June 6, 2018
Companies in the timber industry / Latest Trends / ...Sawmilling / Wood-based Panels / Woodworking Machinery / North America
Prosecutors in Romania investigate Holzindustrie Schweighofer for alleged illegal logging activities
Romanian DIICOT prosecutors and police administration are currently making investigations at the largest wood exporter in [...]
June 5, 2018
Companies in the timber industry / Forestry / ...Sawmilling / Europe