Archives: June 2018

Canfor announces upgrade for South US sawmill

    Canfor Southern Pine, a leading integrated forest products company, has announced it will upgrade its existing [...]

Government of Cameroon starts to investigate Douala port operations

The Cameroon government has appointed a new Commission to investigate the failed operations at Douala Port.     [...]
June 11, 2018 Latest Trends / Forestry / ...Sawmilling / Africa

IKEA sets the lowest prices for its first store in India

IKEA prepares for the opening of its first store in India, in Hyderabad, this July. The biggest change that the [...]

EU tropical logs imports have pulled through last year’s downturn

After a downturn in 2017, EU imports of tropical logs recovered a little ground at the start of 2018. Imports [...]

Combimill Reopalu OÜ invested in 2-zone progressive kiln from Heinola

Combimill Reopalu OÜ invested in a new 2-zone Progressive Kiln type HFB  in Estonia. The new HFB-Progressive Kiln [...]

Spring – summer 2018 average prices for standing timber in Belgium

    List of prices for standing timber set by National Federation of Forestry Experts A.S.B [...]

Timber industry in Sabah might recover once with log export ban

    The export of logs from Sabah, a major timber producing state, has been banned with immediate [...]

US pulpmills increased costs for wood fiber during the Q1/2018

During the first quarter of 2018, there were substantial increases in wood costs for pulpmills in Western US and Canada [...]

Roundwood prices in Finland increased during March

Roundwood prices in Finland have increased in March 2018, as compared to the same month last year. The same increase [...]

IKEA boosts production in Poland with two kilns from Heinola

IKEA ordered two large automatic 2-zone Progressive Kilns type HFB from Heinola Sawmill Machinery for its production plant in [...]