Archives: May 2018
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Roundwood consumption in Finland reaches record level

The amount of roundwood consumed in the manufacture of forest industry products increased in 2017 for the fifth year in [...]

US lumber prices on the rise at the end of April

    Framing lumber trading in the US rapidly increased during last week, while producers reacted with a [...]

Exports of logs from New Zealand to China pick up after the Chinese New year

    The export log market in New Zealand picked up after the slowdown ahead of the Chinese [...]

North American lumber giants increase production in 2017

The annual Wood Markets’ “Billion Board Foot Club” list of top global lumber companies showed further gains in production by [...]

Booming lumber prices in the US cover duties on Canadian softwood

The American lumber consumers are starting to feel the effects of the import duties on Canadian softwood.     [...]

Weyerhaeuser boosts net earnings by 71.3% in Q1/2018

    Weyerhaeuser reported Q1 2018 net earnings of $269 million (+71.3% YoY) on net sales of [...]

Granuul Invest plans to rebuild wood pellet lines in Latvia

SIA Graanul Invest has concluded an agreement No. with the Central Finance and [...]

CO2 cuts supported by the European Parliament as to fulfill Paris climate targets

CO2 emitted by transport, farming, buildings and waste must be cut by 30% across the EU; CO2 emitted and absorbed [...]
May 9, 2018 Latest Trends / Forestry / ...Europe

Norwegian sawmills to expand lumber capacity

Three Norwegian sawmils have chosen to invest in lumber kilns from Valutec for a total order value of more than [...]

Russian wood based products market driven by growing demand and favorable export markets

The main wood based products in Russia have met a growing demand once with more favorable export markets in 2017 [...]